Saturday, November 19, 2005

TGI Saturday

- still have no news on clients. is no news really good news?

- the domestic dispute is not yet resolved and I've decided not to get involved.
thoughts on parents: a) I have nothing to do except to love them.
b) Their business will always be my business. but I'll respect their decisions as much as they did for mine.

- baked a few home-made bagels today, as a reward for myself plus I'm getting tired of the so so bagels sell in HK.

- I failed my little test on self-control. I bought a pink top and a little black dress on a Jill Stuart Sale. What can I do? 40% off on all items.

- Watched Nana, Charlie and the chocolate factory. Don't like Nana but love Charlie and the chocolate factory.

- looking forward to Pride and Prejudice, the Brokeback Mountain,如果愛 and HP IV

- Hubby will go to Sydney today.

- too many papers and too little time

- I'm reading 'The gift of Therapy' by I.D. Yalom

1 comment:

Ruth Tam said...

Regarding thoughs on parents: respect is very important, both the children and the parents.